The Karkloof Falls to Falls 3-day slack-packing hike is an all-inclusive trek encompassing some of the most picturesque and hidden parts of the Midlands countryside. From indigenous misbelt forest to pristine grasslands, pastoral vistas and eye-watering panoramic views, the ever-changing scenery contains something for everyone. Highlights include traversing the forest canopy on a zip line tour, a visit to a world-class bird hide with the chance to spot the critically-endangered Wattled Crane, and an indigenous tree trail with abundant wildlife including various birds, antelope, zebra, wildebeest and other game.
Nature-based eco-tourism is one of the principal aims of Spekboom Tours.
Duration: 3 days, 3 nights
Recommended fitness level: Easy to moderate. The trail can be adjusted according to the group’s fitness levels.
Average daily walking distances: 8-20 km/d
Accommodation types: All 3 nights at upmarket guesthouse
Price: from R6300 pps
Minimum 4 max 12 persons.
Inclusive of comfortable accommodation, all meals, registered guide, conservancy fees and forest canopy tour
Bespoke tours can also be arranged for organised groups with special interests: Birding, ecology, poetry, foraging, mediation and flowers gazing.